Sunday, November 20, 2016

Tufts Health Plan 10k For Women Review

(I slacked on writing recaps these days. Well there's no time to get caught up like right now!)

On Columbus Day, the 40th running of the Tufts Health Plan 10k for Women happened.
This race happens on a Monday, a rare occurrence. It also begins at noon! No getting up super early! This was the third time I have run this race. I enjoy running this race along with women of all ages and running abilities. It's great to get together and keep each other going. Joan Benoit Samuelson hosts the event, but was absent due to a family death during that week. I've had the honor of running a couple races in the past that she has also run. I've also heard her speak and she's a lovely lady. She was in everyone's thoughts that day.

5 miles
1k run for kids

Start Time:
12 PM

$45 until 4 PM the Sunday before the race
$60 on-site
*You can receive a discount for being part of Tufts Health Plan.

The organization of this race is great. There is a lot of information that is given on the website and they keep their Facebook page up-to-date. Once you arrive at Boston Common, there is plenty of space to warm up and hang out with your family and friends. There are sponsors set up along the common with samples of food, drinks, clothes, and giveaways. There are great volunteers throughout the Common area and the course.

The course takes over the Mass Ave bridge and along Memorial Drive. This gives you great views of the city and the Charles River. 

Along the course are 5 water stops. There are plenty of volunteers throughout the course to keep everyone on course and help if you get injured. 

Every runner gets a long sleeve shirt. When you finish the run you will go get water, a Powerade, and snacks. You will get a tote to carry all your newly acquired food and drink in.

Would I recommend this race?
I would absolutely recommend this race to any and every women out there. (Okay, men as well. Just be ready to be outnumbered!) The weather is usually great for running and you can enjoy the day in the city afterwards.

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