Tuesday, April 4, 2017

It's April!

Somehow I lost track of March...and February. Whoops!

Let's take a look back at February and how I did with my goals.

  • Write down good days, memories, and experiences.
    • I've added some good memories into my jar. 
  • Train for the Chicago Marathon.
    • Training is going to be starting soon! I should look into this more.
  • Drink more water.
    • I had a lot of 0 oz of water this month. I gotta get better at this.
  • Workout at least 3x a week.
    • I did a lot of working out this month. We had a fitness challenge at work which did help. I ended in the top 5!
  • Take a class at the gym at least 1x a week.
    • I did great at this! I took at least one class a week, but mostly I did at least 2 classes a week. 
  • Write in my 5-Year Journal.
    • I've completed every day. Some days I might have filled out days I got caught up in my normal life and had to go back, but that's okay!
  • Journal more.
    • This wasn't great, but it's better than not at all. Got to keep working on this.
  • Donate to a cause at least 1x a month.
    • I donated to 3 causes and one cause twice. My work was also doing a 2:1 matching for the month of February so each charity got my donation plus 2x the donation amount. It was great.
  • See new places.
    • I didn't go anywhere special in February. There's still a lot of time left in the year to do this though!
  • Read 40 books by the end of 2017.
    • I read 3 books in February. This brought my total at the end of February to 9!
How about March? How did I do for March?

  • Write down good days, memories, and experiences.
    • I've added some good memories into my jar. I had a great time with some friends which helped.
  • Train for the Chicago Marathon.
    • I'm starting to look at training plans. This is daunting for sure!
  • Drink more water.
    • I was doing really well. Until the end of the month I was drinking a lot of water. I need to keep up on this!
  • Workout at least 3x a week.
    • I worked out a lot this month. Using my breaks at work to walk around was really helpful. 
  • Take a class at the gym at least 1x a week.
    • I didn't go to a class at least once a week. I skipped yoga more than once this month, but they were for good reasons. I got to get back in the swing of things with this.
  • Write in my 5-Year Journal.
    • I completed every day in March! Yay!
  • Journal more.
    • I wrote twice last month. I need to do better
  • Donate to a cause at least 1x a month.
    • I donated to 4 charities this month. I'm glad that I can help others who need it.
  • See new places.
    • I didn't travel anywhere new, but I did go to the Flower and Garden Show. That counts right?
  • Read 40 books by the end of 2017.
    • I read 7 books in March! It felt good to read more this month. This brought my total at the end of March to 16!

We're only 4 days into April and I'm feeling good about how I'm doing on these goals. Until next time.....