Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week 9 Recap

Remember I said that the weeks weren't looking so great? They still aren't. Last week was rough. I was so emotionally and physically burnt out that it took it's toll. Then we entered into some sort of crazy weather pattern that is making it super humid.

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 4 mile walk
Wednesday: 5.03 miles
Thursday: 30 minutes of yoga
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 3 miles
Sunday: Rest

I had planned on doing 7 miles after work on Saturday, but by the time I left it was so hot and humid I knew I couldn't do it. I'm hoping that this week will be better. My first run of the week was hard. It was pretty humid and I felt really slow. I've been beating myself up over it, but I'm trying to just accept that at least I'm getting out there and doing it. This does make me nervous for NYC, but hopefully I'll be ok.

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