Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hello, Is You I'm Looking For?

I have a few updates.

I signed up to run the last leg of the One Run For Boston. What is the One Run For Boston? How did it start? Read it from them.

I signed up to run the last leg in April. This is something that is important for me to be part of. The Marathon will always hold a piece of my heart. I know that after running a piece of this relay, it will also make it's way into my heart. You may not run or may not feel like you can help, but you can. The great thing about this relay is that you can raise money that will go directly to the One Fund. If you'd like to support this amazing cause you can donate here!

I've also signed up for the B.A.A. Distance Medley!

In October I ran the B.A.A. Half and this year I felt like I wanted to run the 5k, 10k, and the half. So here I am signed up for all three races! If you sign up for all three races you get a special medal for finishing after the half in October.

I've also signed up to run 14 in 2014. (You can too here!) It does not matter the distance of a race. It can be a virtual run as well. I look forward to pushing myself a little bit throughout this year.

I kind of "gave up" on the picture a day thing. I don't want to say gave up fully because I still take pictures everyday, but they aren't exciting or have to do with something at work. How boring is that! If I get a good picture I'll share it.

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