Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hello, Is You I'm Looking For?

I have a few updates.

I signed up to run the last leg of the One Run For Boston. What is the One Run For Boston? How did it start? Read it from them.

I signed up to run the last leg in April. This is something that is important for me to be part of. The Marathon will always hold a piece of my heart. I know that after running a piece of this relay, it will also make it's way into my heart. You may not run or may not feel like you can help, but you can. The great thing about this relay is that you can raise money that will go directly to the One Fund. If you'd like to support this amazing cause you can donate here!

I've also signed up for the B.A.A. Distance Medley!

In October I ran the B.A.A. Half and this year I felt like I wanted to run the 5k, 10k, and the half. So here I am signed up for all three races! If you sign up for all three races you get a special medal for finishing after the half in October.

I've also signed up to run 14 in 2014. (You can too here!) It does not matter the distance of a race. It can be a virtual run as well. I look forward to pushing myself a little bit throughout this year.

I kind of "gave up" on the picture a day thing. I don't want to say gave up fully because I still take pictures everyday, but they aren't exciting or have to do with something at work. How boring is that! If I get a good picture I'll share it.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Rainy Tuesday

It's raining. It's kind of blah.

But this happened today...
Tony loves this.

I'm not a huge fan of bananas. Running has helped try to enjoy them. But mostly I just like saying Chiquita. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Today is... nephews 4th birthday!

I'll choose a nice photo of him. Trust me he's not always this nice. 

Happy birthday CJ!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

This Week Is Another Beginning

Today starts my week of training for the Nike Women's Half DC. I've run twice since the Cause 4 Paws 5k. I took time off to heal my knee. I must say that when I ran yesterday I felt happy. It was good to get out for a little while. I'm looking forward to running DC again.

2013 Inaugural NWH DC! 

This week also starts a new eCourse I signed up for last minute. It's be BrenĂ© Brown called The Gifts of Imperfection. She has written a book. I'm not sure what will come of this course, but I'm going to give it my all.

Week 1

Today was my nephew's 4th birthday party. It was superhero themed.

Besides seeing everyone's posts about the Disney Marathon (and being jealous as fuck) it made me remember that I was there 4 years ago participating in my very first 5k. I was laughed at when I said I was going to do a 5k. Look at me now!
My bud Travis! He finished his 1st marathon today!

This week is bringing along change. I'm ready.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Photo Number 11

January 11

This seems fitting for my new year's perspective. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sorry I've Been Missing For A Week

A week goes by quick…I apologize.

I mean I took pictures. I just didn't post them. So here they are!

January 4
I love this dog!

January 5
My training is starting again soon.
 January 6
 January 7
 January 8
 January 9
This quote just made me laugh.
January 10
New candle holders make me happy!
I also signed up for the Redding Road Race. I've read some great things about this race. Looks like I'll be going to Connecticut in May to "Run for the Cows"!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Earlier today Coach Laura (meet her here at Fuck Skinny) posted an article about a photographer who took a picture a day of things she was grateful for to change her outlook on life. (Read it here)

I think that this is a lovely idea. So let me do two: one for today and one for yesterday.

January 1

January 2
As much of a brat he can be,
I wouldn't ask for another boy.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

It's a new year.

It seems like we just did this for 2013. Now it's 2014. This year went by quick.

I'd like to go on about what I want to do this year and all of that, but mostly I want to live today. Not worry about tomorrow or about yesterday.

So what I should have posted yesterday is this:

2013 was quite the year.

Cue the recap!!!!!

I finished a marathon. Holy shit! That was one of the craziest things I've ever done. I'm not saying I was the fastest. I'm not saying I was the slowest. I'm saying I'm a finisher.
Everyone loves a Dole Whip!!!!!
I officially began my season with Team in Training.

Nothing is fully sticking out to me. Maybe it was a slow month? I can share this video one more time with you though!

This is funny.

I made my goal of raising $2,900 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I could not have been happier & a little less stressed.

Such a lovely month led to such a tragedy. A tragedy led to support.

April also held my first non-Disney half marathon, the Nike Women Half. It was an emotional race. It was an amazing race.

I took some time off. I tried to just live. I stepped foot back on the streets that changed so many peoples lives forever for the first time.

I turned 26. I turned 26 thinking I was changing. I think. Maybe I wasn't. Maybe I'm the same I was my entire life. I'm not sure. I did spend a little time with some really lovely people though.
Climbing to the top of the Bunker Hill monument with Rob
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There was a 3rd of July party.

There was a wedding.

There were also some new friends made. These are the best friends I've had.

Spartan Race!
Muddy & Gorgeous! 


My first trip to the West Coast also happened this year.

C2C Challenge Complete!

I ran my very first Disneyland Half Marathon. It was different than Disney World, but still an amazing experience.
I also ran my 5th & 6th half marathons.

I got to participate in the B.A.A. Half Marathon and my only 2 nighttime runs. Then I ran my very last race for the year. The Cause 4 Paws in Quincy helps the Quincy Animal Shelter. My friend has even adopted his cats from there.

"Who's Nadine? Could she get it?"

A lovely month of not running. Rest can help immensely! There was also turkey. 
Thanksgiving Day Sleepover

Holiday was crazy in the retail world. 
I got to experience some amazing moments with my friends. From giving Nate a wonderful birthday present. Shared a present exchange with some crazy amazing friends. Spent Christmas Eve with some friends for dinner. Also learned one of my oldest friends is expecting a baby this summer. 

Hey 2014 what do you have for me?