It's a new year.
It seems like we just did this for 2013. Now it's 2014. This year went by quick.
I'd like to go on about what I want to do this year and all of that, but mostly I want to live today. Not worry about tomorrow or about yesterday.
So what I should have posted yesterday is this:
2013 was quite the year.
Cue the recap!!!!!
I finished a marathon. Holy shit! That was one of the craziest things I've ever done. I'm not saying I was the fastest. I'm not saying I was the slowest. I'm saying I'm a finisher.
Everyone loves a Dole Whip!!!!! |
I officially began my season with Team in Training.
Nothing is fully sticking out to me. Maybe it was a slow month? I can share this video one more time with you though!
This is funny.
I made my goal of raising $2,900 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I could not have been happier & a little less stressed.
Such a lovely month led to such a tragedy. A tragedy led to support.
April also held my first non-Disney half marathon, the Nike Women Half. It was an emotional race. It was an amazing race.
I took some time off. I tried to just live. I stepped foot back on the streets that changed so many peoples lives forever for the first time.
I turned 26. I turned 26 thinking I was changing. I think. Maybe I wasn't. Maybe I'm the same I was my entire life. I'm not sure. I did spend a little time with some really lovely people though.
Climbing to the top of the Bunker Hill monument with Rob |
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There was a 3rd of July party.
There was a wedding.
There were also some new friends made. These are the best friends I've had.
Spartan Race!
Muddy & Gorgeous! |
My first trip to the West Coast also happened this year.
Godney |
C2C Challenge Complete! |
I ran my very first Disneyland Half Marathon. It was different than Disney World, but still an amazing experience.
I also ran my 5th & 6th half marathons.
I got to participate in the B.A.A. Half Marathon and my only 2 nighttime runs. Then I ran my very last race for the year. The Cause 4 Paws in Quincy helps the Quincy Animal Shelter. My friend has even adopted his cats from there.
"Who's Nadine? Could she get it?" |
A lovely month of not running. Rest can help immensely! There was also turkey.
Thanksgiving Day Sleepover |
Holiday was crazy in the retail world.
I got to experience some amazing moments with my friends. From giving Nate a wonderful birthday present. Shared a present exchange with some crazy amazing friends. Spent Christmas Eve with some friends for dinner. Also learned one of my oldest friends is expecting a baby this summer.
Hey 2014 what do you have for me?