Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Something Exciting To Share!

With kick-off just around the corner for my season with TNT, we are starting to get emails about different things. When I saw the email at work, I didn't have too much time to read it so I just read it within the last 30 minutes. It is nice to read little check-ins from different people every now and then. One of the major things I noticed in the list was a little mention of the top 3 fundraisers. With the help of you all I am number 2! As of this afternoon I hit $1,373 with the help of Phil! We are $102 from hitting the half way mark! I'd love to reach that by New Year's Day!

This is a first! I've never been in the top 3!
We also got to meet our honored hero! The honored hero is who the team will run for as a whole. I'm excited to share that with you all. Her name is Tracy. She's 27. That's just 2 years older than me & she is going through more than anyone ever should. She will be spending her New Year's getting transplants, while the rest of us are already hating our resolutions. You can check out her story below.


Remember there is still time to donate & have a tax deduction for this year. Any amount can help people like Tracy. If you can't think of what to get someone for Christmas, donating to a charity in their honor is a great idea! If you would like to donate directly to me you can do so through this link:

Monday, December 17, 2012

I've Been Missing...

...from the blog.

Holidays in retail are time consuming. Holidays in general are time consuming. Holidays stress me out. If you meet me during this time you'll hear "I hate Christmas" more than once before you leave. Fitting in exercise is even more stressful. I've been doing a Holiday Squat-A-Thon for the month of December. Today I did 185 for missing yesterday. There's a couple of 100 squats a day coming up. Squats don't really bother me much. I'm surprised I haven't felt it more afterwards.

Onto where I've been the past few days...

Thursday I helped a friend paint & do some stuff around his new house. Before I drove close to the end of the world (aka Plymouth), I met up with a friend to stop at Target. Our work adopted a family to give Christmas presents too. I like this part of Christmas. Helping people who need it more than you means a whole lot more than just junk you get from family. (Yes I said junk!) I'm happy that I got to participate in making 4 kids Christmases special.

Friday was my other day off last week. I decided I would be in a positive mood all day. No one was going to ruin it! I went to Wompatuck to run. I ran and ran and then ran some more. After a few near death experiences I made my way back into the park & to my car. I learned my lesson to stay off the roads near there. People are crazy! I ended up doing a little more than 10 miles. I felt like it should have been at least 5 more, but I guess not. As I ran I thought of how hungry I was & how I should of brought win snacks. Then I thought about how when I got home I'd blog about how crazy drivers are. (Remember I almost got killed multiple times.) when I got myself situated at my car I noticed a text from a friend saying something about shooting. I mean I just was in the woods/risking my life on roads. When he told me a little more about it, I couldn't believe it. Then I heard it on the radio. Then I got home to see it on the tv. I decided we'll before I got home to forget my positive attitude that day. I'm not going to go into what happened or what's wrong with the laws or any of that. I still feel sad about it. I will leave it at that.

Today being my only day off means I had to do stuff that I didn't necessarily want to do. I went to the gym. I've gone once in like 3 months. I clearly need a gym buddy STAT! The weather has been crappy & seems to be staying that way. The marathon is coming up way too soon. I'm way underprepared. I just want to finish this marathon & get on with the half in DC. I have a lot of respect for people who do marathons consistently. You guys kick ass!

I'll be letting you guys know about a TNT event soon. And another fundraiser. Hopefully both before Christmas.

Until then...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?

I've been a little distant. Working in retail during the holiday season will do that to ya. Plus I can't access a blog post on my iPad.

I did a long run last Monday. I know why haven't I done one since then? I haven't been off of work since then. I'll be back out there on Thursday before helping a friend paint around his house. Okay back to Monday. I ran 10.1 miles. It was long, but not close to the 26.2 I need to accomplish in a month. (AHHHHHHHH!) I went to Wompatuck State Park in Hingham, MA. You can do a lot in there. I ran for myself, not for a time, not for a distance, but just for me. There was some running on trails which slowed me down. I also brought my camera along with me. Running in Disney means taking photos, so I might as well try it out. I kept around a 14 minute pace which is fine with me. A muscle has been taking a toll on me. It's annoying & I hate it. That run was the first time running with my Bondi Band. I wrote about these in my last post (or 2 posts ago). Growing my hair out is annoying. It's not long enough to pull back, but its not short enough to leave alone. I pulled my hair back, put it on, & ran. I didn't have to keep adjusting it. It stayed put. It was great. I was definitely a giant plus. Even when I took it off after the run my hair looked okay enough to go into the post office.

The print of my Bondi Band.

I have some Bondi Bands still for sale as a fundraiser for TNT if you are interested. I have the pink with white polka dots, the plain aqua, the purple print, the black with the pink tiara, the pink that says "Powered by Pixie Dust", & the black one that says "Mirror mirror on the wall who's the fastest of them all".

By donating $10, you can receive one band.
By donating $16, you can receive two bands.

To get a band for yourself just donate to my fundraising page:

In the comments you can let me know that it is for the Bondi Band fundraiser. 

Hopefully by my next post I'll have much more to share with everyone.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Week That Was Nothing

So I haven't run since my last post. Yeah I know. I'm feeling a little discouraged. Okay, a lot discouraged. I don't know if I'll be able to do this marathon. I'm kind of stressed about it. I'm feeling nervous about raising money all over again too. I mean I've raised over 40% in a little over a month. Being hard on myself again.

In other news I started to fundraise with Bondi Bands. If you never heard of a Bondi Band its okay I hadn't either until the first time I went to Disney for Marathon Weekend. It's a wicking headband. The ladies love them! (Lady runners that is!) They can also act as ear warmers. (Stand outside at 4 am waiting for the start of a race. It's cold!) I've sold 4 so far & I have someone else wanting to buy 2. I'm going to buy one also. (Yes I will donate to myself!) So make that 7, no 8 I have being taken. One more I have for someone else! I've done pretty well on that now that I think of it. :-) There might be another order going through soon. :-)

Tomorrow I'm going to force myself to run. It will be in the 50s so I think I can do it. Hopefully I get myself together!

This will be my cheer up for this week.

Animals make everyday better!